Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What Tom Gets Up To When Left To Himself....

Well, Alison has fled to France (again), and my family went on holidays up to Coffs Harbour for a week yesterday, so today i was pretty bored. So, what did i do with myself?

I made a pie, of course!

As you can see, it was actually 2 pies, because Woolies didn't have large enough base thingies. Yes, i admit it, i didn't make the bases, but that was because the recipe told me to go out and buy ready-made bases!
I did make the filling, though, from scratch, using raw ingredients, and ALL BY MYSELF! Ha, and you all thought i would never be domesticated enough to cook for myself. This now brings my cooking repertoire up to Pizza Muffins, Toast and Chocolate Pie! At least i have all the essentials covered :)

More evidence of my making-ness:

See! See that right there! That is mess in the kitchen sink from MY OWN COOKING!!!! Using ingredients which i went and bought from the shops!!!! No packet pie here.

Oh, and it was (is, there is still a lot left for me to eat!) very very yummy.