Monday, October 23, 2006


Alison is not an angry person. Really! I dunno where you all are getting that idea from.

Oh, and Becca, i can't tease you about being a Trekkie anymore, my next door neighbour gave me the entire Star Trek: The Next Generation on tape (as in, i now have 48 casettes on my living room floor) and i can't stop watching them - they are good!


At 5:47 pm, Blogger rainweb said...


At 7:29 pm, Blogger Douganator said...

Did someone say angry alison... look obviously your an angry person otherwise your name would not be so open to being alliterated with the word anger...silly you it seems

At 11:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't checked Blogs for ages, so lucky I came on and saw this!

SEE!! Star Trek is the best! I've been telling you all this for years, but you never listen to me, never! When you're ready to branch out, let me know. Somehow, I think you're more a DS9 person.

At 5:29 pm, Blogger Amanda said...

Whoot! yay for Start Trek!

At 8:59 pm, Blogger Kat said...

Tommy, you're a trekkie? 18 months and i did not know this? dude! get em on dvd...casettes take up too much room :-) I'm more of an voyager girl. Mainly coz me and the captain have the same name :-) Enterprise is quite good too.


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