Tuesday, June 20, 2006


Yesterday, Alison reminded me that i had my own blog, and that i should write something. So here it is!
Yesterday was also a good day for me because i finished Uni for this semester, with a delightful exam in Latin! Then caught a bus into the city, over the Harbour Bridge. Tell me, does anybody else never get sick of going over that bridge? I Love it! Especially on the train, going from Wynyard to Milson's Point, sitting on the top carraige level - what a view! You should all do it in your Uni breaks sometime, when you get to Milson's Point there is a lovely park where you can sit, relax and watch the harbour under the shade of the mighty bridge :)

Oh, i have to go and get dressed now, and go into Uni to visit Alison after her first exam! Bye y'all!


At 10:58 pm, Blogger rainweb said...

no-one else gets sick going over the bridge coz no-one else get sick like you do!ALL THE TIME....
but it was so sweet of you to come in and spend time with me it was great.
yaaaaaaaaaaaay!finished exams!!!
noooooo!!neck cramp!
come over here and fix it, Mr!
....oooooook.fine.ill sit here and whimper.
OH i forgot to do that in spanish!
o well, next time, gadget, next time.
xxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo alison

At 7:47 pm, Blogger Rebecca Johnson said...

Yay Tom posted!

Nope, no one ever gets sick of seeing the bridge ... and if they do, they're weird.

Anyways, have fun holidays! I'll see you soon


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