Wednesday, July 19, 2006

P's and Degrees

Yes, this is another blog thingy brought about at the insistence (read: constant bugging) of Ali.

Holidays are cool, especially Uni ones. At Mac, for our mid-year break we get at least one month off, more if you are lucky enough, as i was, to have all your exams finish in the first week of the exam period. Consequently, as i write this i have already been off uni for a month, with a week and a half left of my fabulous holidays. They don't call it Club Mac for nothing!

Got my results the other day, not too bad at all. Am quite excited about going back to uni, this semester's classes (The NT and its Times, Arch in Sth Italy, Ciceronean Rome) are looking like being the most interesting yet.

I also got my P's today, at the grand old age (as far as having one's P's goes) of 19. Was quite fun, the test dude was pretty nice, i tried to engage him in a conversation and occasionally he would open up and say something back. All in all, quite a pleasant experience, mainly because, even though i have no intentions of driving anytime soon, i now no longer have to learn!

Night y'all.

Monday, July 10, 2006

For A

Yes, i haven't posted in a while, a reflection of my lazy nature (how do i survive at Uni? I dunno....). Anyways, at the willing of Alison (is that the term i want?) im writing something.

Holidays are fun, especially when they go for a month and a half :). Camping is also fun. The Warrumbungles are nice, i would recommend that everybody should visit them but that would spoil the niceness, so STAY AWAY FROM THE BUNGLES! Will put up a nice picture for you, though, so you can see what i am telling you to keep away from. Its from the Grand High Tops, overlooking the Breadknife, which unfortunately we didn't manage to get to this trip because the track was closed for repairs - silly locals saboutaging our fun!

Anywho, i need to go shower, so im leaving now. If you want me to post again bug Alison, she is the only one who holds enough sway over me to get me to post on the blog.