Sunday, August 19, 2007

Go here!

This post exists for one reason only: to urge you to head on over to Kate's blog and read her commentary on 'Facebook'. It will only take 5 minutes to read, and is certainly worth your time!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My New Friends

Hi all!

I have a couple of new friends i am sure you would like to meet.

This is Penguin:

and this is Alf:

We got given hand-tamed Cockatiels on Monday!

They are living in our formal dining/computer room at the moment, meaning that Alf is sitting on my right shoulder as i type this.

Lots of fun! Perfect to distract me from learning the deponent forms of Greek verbs :(

Sunday, June 03, 2007

According to Alison...

According to Alison, i am expected by some people (herself included) to actually post on my blog. What a silly, silly idea, i thought. But, just now, something made me want to find the hyperlink to my blog and type in something, purely to see who is actually reading it!

Has anybody ever seen Northern Exposure? Alison hates it, says it is too slow, to which i would like to respond that that is exactly the point! Everybody should watch at least the first couple of episodes. Unfortunately, because not many people watch it the DVDs are incredibly expensive :(.

That is all.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

What Tom Gets Up To When Left To Himself....

Well, Alison has fled to France (again), and my family went on holidays up to Coffs Harbour for a week yesterday, so today i was pretty bored. So, what did i do with myself?

I made a pie, of course!

As you can see, it was actually 2 pies, because Woolies didn't have large enough base thingies. Yes, i admit it, i didn't make the bases, but that was because the recipe told me to go out and buy ready-made bases!
I did make the filling, though, from scratch, using raw ingredients, and ALL BY MYSELF! Ha, and you all thought i would never be domesticated enough to cook for myself. This now brings my cooking repertoire up to Pizza Muffins, Toast and Chocolate Pie! At least i have all the essentials covered :)

More evidence of my making-ness:

See! See that right there! That is mess in the kitchen sink from MY OWN COOKING!!!! Using ingredients which i went and bought from the shops!!!! No packet pie here.

Oh, and it was (is, there is still a lot left for me to eat!) very very yummy.

Friday, November 24, 2006

This thing is stupid. What if i don't want a title?

I finally have some stuff to mention!

Finished Uni for the year today, with a lovely exam on Ciceronian Rome - last exams are always such fun, because i am usually past caring so just relax, take off my shoes, write a bit, sneeze and cough and annoy everybody else, then leave and make it to the bus stop before the mass exodus has occurred!

The other great thing at the moment - Cricket! What great timing, to finish my exams and suddenly have nothing to do when, out of the blue (well, the 'Gabba, actually), the first Ashes test just happens to be on! Which reminds me, i must go out and buy a small radio to take on beach mission so that i can listen to the 5th test, though by the looks of things it won't be coming down to the 5th! While one can never underestimate those English, without their precious reverse-swing-oriented pitches their bowlers have really shown their inability to be successful against the Aussies.

Went to the local Penrith City Library the other day (while i was supposed to be studying/watching the cricket) and they were having a book sale! Book sales at libraries are the best places to buy books, mainly because you can grab c.20 semi-good books for around $10! It was lovely, even though it meant spending an hour sorting through a lot of junk on Asian politics and Mills and Boon to get at the good stuff :). Also borrowed the second book in the 'Bartimaeus' trilogy by Stroud - the first one was hilarious, this one should be just as good! Is there something wrong about going to the local library, only to spend all your time rummaging through crappy old books being sold and trying hopelessly to make sense of the Children's section, where all the books i want are housed yet are in no logical order? I guess i spend enough time doing quazi-serious stuff at Mac Library, so should be allowed to behave like a kid at the local library.

Hmm, that's about it. Might go watch some Star Trek. Oh, no escaping Tom's rant without having to endure some Dilbert:

Poor old people!

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Anybody who has ever done Software Design will appreciate this:

Oh, and this one nearly made me laugh quite loudly on the train home from Uni:

Monday, October 23, 2006


Alison is not an angry person. Really! I dunno where you all are getting that idea from.

Oh, and Becca, i can't tease you about being a Trekkie anymore, my next door neighbour gave me the entire Star Trek: The Next Generation on tape (as in, i now have 48 casettes on my living room floor) and i can't stop watching them - they are good!